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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Noor Fri 5 Jun - 11:19

violator wrote:@Noor, sto sam sad napravila!? :D
ništa loše, nagovorila ovu moju rospaču da se vrati :love


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 13:35

witch king wrote:i, žene imaju pravo izbora ok između čega?
oko toga čime će se bavit u životu, nisu osuđene na rađanje pa možda za 100 godina neka budala neće napisat da su se povijesti i filozofijom bavili isključikvo muškarci a žene eto nisu htjele.

witch king wrote:

ipak postoji neki napredak? zašto je potrebno i dalje sve rušiti i graditi?

kai se točno ruši? kai se tebi srušilo? :D

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 13:36

Speare Shaker wrote:
ebenica wrote:
aben wrote:

a unda niko ne bi vozi japanca, budi sigur u to
i btw, ja vozim čeha, ne japanca i ne korejca.

Zapravo voziš nijemca.
zapravo vozim čeha.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 15:14

witch king wrote:
s puno stvari se slažem, ali ovo zadnje već prelazi u propagandu haha

nije propaganda to bi ti trebao znati ali možda ti je promaklo:

The Soviet–Japanese War (Russian: Советско-японская война; Japanese: ソ連対日参戦, soren tai nichi sansen "Soviet Union entry into war against Japan") was a military conflict within the Second World War beginning soon after midnight on August 9, 1945, with the Soviet invasion of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. The Soviets and Mongolians ended Japanese control of Manchukuo, Mengjiang (Inner Mongolia), northern Korea, Karafuto, and the Chishima Islands (Kuril Islands). The defeat of Japan's Kwantung Army helped bring about the Japanese surrender and the termination of World War II. The Soviet entry into the war was a significant factor in the Japanese government's decision to surrender unconditionally, as it made apparent that the Soviet Union was not willing to act as a third party in negotiating an end to hostilities on conditional terms.


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 15:43

Video captured by WBFO on June 4, 2020 show two Buffalo police officers shoving a man to the ground during a protest in front of City Hall, causing an injury that left him bleeding from his head. The two officers have been suspended without pay and a full Internal Affairs investigation has been ordered.


If this weren't taped, the statement would have stayed as: "Tripped and Fell".


I hate that people need to see this, but no one would believe it if it wasn't on tape.


I don't know which is more disgusting , that they pushed the old man or that they lied about it afterwards and claimed the old man tripped on his own.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 15:59

Prema tome, uloga SAD-a u snagama koalicije ne može se tretirati kao dominantna čak ni na onim frontovima Drugog svjetskog rata gdje su zapadni saveznici imali odlučujuću ulogu.

uh ne dq mi se vise

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 16:33

witch king wrote:

Prema tome, uloga SAD-a u snagama koalicije ne može se tretirati kao dominantna čak ni na onim frontovima Drugog svjetskog rata gdje su zapadni saveznici imali odlučujuću ulogu.

uh ne dq mi se vise

pa ne. ameri su bacili dvije atomske bombe na Japan samo zato da se Japanci potpišu bezuvjetnu kapitulaciju njima a ne rusima.

zato su bačene a-bombe a ne zbog okončanja rata jer i tako su se japanci htjeli bezuvjetno predati sovjetima rusima. no to se nije svidjelo Uncle Sam-u tj US.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 16:51

jer i tako su se japanci htjeli bezuvjetno predati sovjetima rusima


pričate svašta

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 16:53

Gnječ wrote:
witch king wrote:

Prema tome, uloga SAD-a u snagama koalicije ne može se tretirati kao dominantna čak ni na onim frontovima Drugog svjetskog rata gdje su zapadni saveznici imali odlučujuću ulogu.

uh ne dq mi se vise

pa ne. ameri su bacili dvije atomske bombe na Japan samo zato da se Japanci potpišu bezuvjetnu kapitulaciju njima a ne  rusima.

zato su bačene a-bombe  a ne zbog okončanja rata jer i tako su se japanci htjeli bezuvjetno predati sovjetima rusima. no to se nije svidjelo Uncle Sam-u tj US.
kompliciranija je to priča. sovijeti su s japanom imali potpisan pakt o nenapadanju iz 1941. ali su isto imnali obavezu sa jalte da će pomoći saveznicima u ratu s japanom (potpisano na jalti 1943) nakon završetka ww2 u europi.
sovieti nisu pizde k'o amerikanci i nikad direktno ne bi napali japan i u kinu su ušli 3 mjeseca nakon završetka ww2 kad je prva atomska bomba već bila bačena. japan se planirao predati sovjetima čisto
da sačuva obraz i da neda tu satisfakciju amerikancima. amerikanci govna kakva jesu nisu pod niti jednu cijenu htjeli da se japan preda rusima (to bi u stvari bio najbolji ishod s najmanjim žrtvama jer rusi ne bi ulazili u japan) pa su bacili drugu atomsku čisto da natjeraju japan na užurbanu predaju njima kako bi imali pobjedu u ww2. govnarsko pičkasto kapitalistički.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 16:57

Gnječ wrote:


I don't know which is more disgusting ,  that they pushed the old man or that they lied about it afterwards and claimed the old man tripped on his own.
žandari su sluge, to je jedina njihova fukcija, samo budale padaju na "sigurnost i povjerenje".

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:00

witch king wrote:
jer i tako su se japanci htjeli bezuvjetno predati sovjetima rusima


pričate svašta
mi smo curice i malo tračamo, ti veliko muško ćeš nam objasniti povijest :trept

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 17:14

pa previše ste okrenuli priču za dobar ukus: jedino su Ameri imali zle namjere i radili zlo, dobri Japanci su se htjeli predati komunistima a ne Uncle Samu, SSSR bi došao do Atlantika bez američke pomoći i sl

ruski upad u mandžuriju je bio znak za game over, to nitko ne spori, ali ova viola lijepi tekstove gdje ispada da su amerikanci samo proizvodili i bili neka podrška, a zapravo su dali jedno 400.000 svojih života i borili su se na 3 velika fronta na 3 kontinenta i uz to još slali sovjetima svu moguću pomoć..  to je stvarno veliko podcijenjivanje cijele priče i konteksta, pitam se što su Rusi mislili u to vrijeme, koliko se zna stalno su ih pritiskali na konferencijama da otvore nove fronte na zapadu - pitam se zašt kad su mogli ugrabit cijelu europu, zašt su pozvali kapitalističkog demona u europu?

uglavnom, bacanje atomskih, nema tu opravdanja, iako je već svima jasno da su puno veće štete rađene u carpet bombingu nego s te dvije bombe-

ali kad kažeš pičkarsko-kapitalistički način ratovanja (lol ostali su herojski ako nisu kapitalistički odmah? zaš Rusi onda zovu taj rat nacionalističkim imenom: domovinski, a ne ratom za oslobođenje od kapitalista ili nešto tako) - htio sam reć, zaš ne kažeš cijelu priču otpočetka i Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo pa je zaboravljeno..

isto se mogu neke lijepe stvari ispričati o Sovjetskim ratnim godinama između 39 i 41.. ali dobro sad

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:26

Why the atom bomb was dropped on Japan

Conventional wisdom – especially in the US – suggests it was necessary to drop the bomb on Japan in order to bring about a speedy conclusion to the war and save lives. Even today many people genuinely believe that the bomb was necessary to bring about a Japanese surrender and to avoid the need for an invasion of Japan by the US, which might have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But extensive scholarly research in the US, using primary sources from the time, shows that this just wasn’t true.

By the time the bomb was ready for use, Japan was ready to surrender. As General Dwight Eisenhower said, Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face, and ‘it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.’ So if Japan was ready to surrender, why were atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? A significant factor in the decision to bomb was the US’s desire to establish its dominance in the region after the war. Those planning for the post-war situation believed that this required US occupation of Japan, enabling it to establish a permanent military presence, shape its political and economic system and dominate the Pacific region without fear of Japanese resurgence. But Japanese resurgence was no longer the US’s key strategic concern; its main concern above all, was the Soviet Union in the post-war world, both in Asia and in Europe.

The Soviet Union was the US’s wartime ally against Germany. Ultimately, of course, their economic systems were incompatible; the US would not accept that any part of the world economy should be closed to it, and those seeking an alternative to the market economic model of the US tended to look to the Soviet Union. This looming antagonism was heightened by the increased power and prestige of the Soviet Union following its role in breaking the back of Germany’s military machine. The US consequently wished to prevent a Soviet advance in Asia and subsequent Soviet influence on Japan.

One is forced to conclude that the US wanted to demonstrate its unique military power – its possession of the atomic bomb – in order to gain political and diplomatic advantage over the Soviet Union in the post-war settlement in both Asia and Europe. As US historian Gar Alperovitz observes:

Modern research findings clearly demonstrate that from April 1945 on, top American officials calculated that using the atomic bomb would enormously bolster US diplomacy vis-a-vis the Soviet Union in negotiations over both postwar Europe and Asia. The atomic bomb was not, in fact, initially brought to Truman’s attention because of its relationship to the war against Japan, but because of its likely impact on diplomacy.

Whilst many leading US politicians, diplomats and military figures thought it unnecessary to bomb Japan, the group around the US’s president at the time, Harry S Truman, pressed strongly for it. Secretary of War Henry Stimson, for example, described the atom bomb as the ‘master card’ in US diplomacy towards the Soviet Union.

By early 1945 it was clear that while the Japanese government was not offering ‘unconditional surrender’, it was nevertheless seeking a negotiated surrender, via the neutral Soviet Union. Its condition was that the position of the Japanese Emperor Hirohito would be maintained without loss of face. A possible scenario would have been altering his role to that of constitutional monarch and ensuring his exemption from war crimes charges, charges that could have led to his execution, as they did with many leaders of Nazi Germany.

There was general agreement amongst the Western leaders that this would be an acceptable approach, but this position was not conveyed to the Japanese government. Indeed, records indicate that President Truman kept this out of the Potsdam declaration – the post-war settlement that the Great Powers (the wartime alliance of the Soviet Union, US and UK) worked on – because the US A-bomb test at Alamogordo had just been successfully concluded. The US leadership did not inform the Japanese that its surrender terms were more or less acceptable, because it needed an excuse to use the bomb in order to demonstrate its awesome power in a world where only the US was in possession of this weapon. Its only opportunity to do so was before the Japanese surrendered.

The Soviet Union had promised to enter the war on Japan three months after the end of the war in Europe. That day was rapidly approaching and the US had two reasons for wishing to use the bomb before this took place. Firstly, there was every likelihood that Soviet entry into the war would trigger a Japanese surrender, thus removing any justification for using the atom bomb. Secondly, the US wished to prevent any possibility that the Soviet Union would occupy Japan whilst the US troops were still far away and so consolidate Soviet influence. So the US dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima on 6 August. On 9 August the Soviet Union entered the war in Asia, as promised. Later the same day, before Japan had had time to grasp and respond to the ghastly results of the Hiroshima bomb, the US dropped a second bomb on the city of Nagasaki. The US government got what it wanted, but at the most appalling human cost.


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 17:30


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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:31

witch king wrote: zaš ne kažeš cijelu priču otpočetka i Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo pa je zaboravljeno..

nikad nitko u povijesti ratovanja nije ovo napravio, nikad i nitko, nikakvi pearl harbori i pičke materine.

Robert Oppenheimer," published earlier this year by Knopf. SIXTY YEARS ago tomorrow, an atomic bomb was dropped without warning on the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One hundred and forty thousand people were killed, more than 95% of them women and children and other noncombatants.
Tokyo WWII firebombing

It is considered the single most deadly bombing raid in history.

Seventy years ago today, US forces firebombed Tokyo to force the Japanese to an early surrender in the dying months of World War II.

The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dominated the retelling of WWII history, but as a single attack the bombing of Tokyo was more destructive.

The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:31

asfalt je u biti prirodan,plastiku razvuci umjesto asfalta..no way..samo ne sad o ekologiji i vadjenju nafte.. No No

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 17:39

ebenica wrote:
witch king wrote: zaš ne kažeš cijelu priču otpočetka i Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo pa je zaboravljeno..

nikad nitko u povijesti ratovanja nije ovo napravio, nikad i nitko, nikakvi pearl harbori i pičke materine.

Robert Oppenheimer," published earlier this year by Knopf. SIXTY YEARS ago tomorrow, an atomic bomb was dropped without warning on the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One hundred and forty thousand people were killed, more than 95% of them women and children and other noncombatants.
Tokyo WWII firebombing

It is considered the single most deadly bombing raid in history.

Seventy years ago today, US forces firebombed Tokyo to force the Japanese to an early surrender in the dying months of World War II.

The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dominated the retelling of WWII history, but as a single attack the bombing of Tokyo was more destructive.

The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city.

da, u jednoj noći je otišlo 100.000 japanaca u zrak

a šta sam ja napisao? carpet bombing japana je - over 400,000 Japanese civilians died.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:41

witch king wrote:
ebenica wrote:
witch king wrote: zaš ne kažeš cijelu priču otpočetka i Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo pa je zaboravljeno..

nikad nitko u povijesti ratovanja nije ovo napravio, nikad i nitko, nikakvi pearl harbori i pičke materine.

Robert Oppenheimer," published earlier this year by Knopf. SIXTY YEARS ago tomorrow, an atomic bomb was dropped without warning on the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One hundred and forty thousand people were killed, more than 95% of them women and children and other noncombatants.
Tokyo WWII firebombing

It is considered the single most deadly bombing raid in history.

Seventy years ago today, US forces firebombed Tokyo to force the Japanese to an early surrender in the dying months of World War II.

The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dominated the retelling of WWII history, but as a single attack the bombing of Tokyo was more destructive.

The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city.

da, u jednoj noći je otišlo 100.000 japanaca u zrak

a šta sam ja napisao? carpet bombing japana je - over 400,000 Japanese civilians died.
ti si izjednačio pearl harbor- vojnu legitimnu metu di je poginulo 2 000 vojnika sa atomskom bombom koja je bačena na grad i to nazvao japanskim bušidom.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 17:44

ebenica wrote:
witch king wrote:
ebenica wrote:
witch king wrote: zaš ne kažeš cijelu priču otpočetka i Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo pa je zaboravljeno..

nikad nitko u povijesti ratovanja nije ovo napravio, nikad i nitko, nikakvi pearl harbori i pičke materine.

Robert Oppenheimer," published earlier this year by Knopf. SIXTY YEARS ago tomorrow, an atomic bomb was dropped without warning on the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One hundred and forty thousand people were killed, more than 95% of them women and children and other noncombatants.
Tokyo WWII firebombing

It is considered the single most deadly bombing raid in history.

Seventy years ago today, US forces firebombed Tokyo to force the Japanese to an early surrender in the dying months of World War II.

The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have dominated the retelling of WWII history, but as a single attack the bombing of Tokyo was more destructive.

The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city.

da, u jednoj noći je otišlo 100.000 japanaca u zrak

a šta sam ja napisao? carpet bombing japana je - over 400,000 Japanese civilians died.
ti si izjednačio pearl harbor- vojnu legitimnu metu di je poginulo 2 000 vojnika sa atomskom bombom koja je bačena na grad i to nazvao japanskim bušidom.

ne, nisam, čitaj ispočetka.

s tobom ne raspravljam više jer ti ne znaš čitati.

prestani mi se obraćati jer takvo nešto nikad nisam ni pomislio i volim japansku kulturu inače, ali s tolikom količinom namjernog nerazumijevanja više ne mogu.

na ignoru si.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by Guest Fri 5 Jun - 17:49

witch king wrote:

ne, nisam
na ignoru si.
Japanski surprise attack - koji je utemeljen u njihovom vrlom samurajskom kodeksu inače kao legitiman način borbe, udari jako i brzo prvo, to je isto bilo jako pičkarsko-kapitalistički, samo što im se dobrano vratilo
puca mi kurac za tvoj ignor debilu.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

Post by kic Fri 5 Jun - 17:56



To make equal; to cause to correspond in amount or degree.
To make the scoreline equal by scoring points.

objasni sam sebi riječi koje koristiš, izjednačiti, i što sam ja napisao.

ja sam upravo suprotno napisao, usporedbu u gradacijama, ali u namjeri pičkarsko-sličnoj s obe strane.

uh dosta, počet ću sam sebe banirat da ne sudjelujem više u ovim glupostima.

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Denkverbot - Page 24 Empty Re: Denkverbot

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