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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 4:50


Why is there so much physical, emotional and sexual violence against women and children?

The reason that gender violence exists in particular against women is because women create life and if somebody can affect the energy of the divine feminine, then they can fracture that beauty and that is why these evil people promote violence against these females because they are fearful of this divine energy and although many of the males, who abuse women, would laugh at that, in fact this is the real issue here and when these men use violence of any sort against these females it's because they have lost the argument and they are scared of their energy and can't face that divine feminine.

As for Children, it's because children are seen as pure and uncorrupted beings and if some evil people can corrupt something that is pure and if they belong to a satanic organization they get points for corrupting their mindset.

So, that's why women and children are weaker on this planet and why men usually bully or oppress those who are weaker.

Also, women have been attacked by religions in the Muslim world and the catholic church in particular didn't want women anywhere near the pulpit, they only recently had to give ground because many countries have laws and it would have caused some problems, then, we look at a command and control system on this planet and they have consistently tried to push women into subservient roles, which is pitiful, remember that only one hundred years ago women were not allowed to go to vote.

Why women were not allowed to vote? Was it because they were not as intelligent as men? Or is it because they are more intelligent and harder to manipulate.

If we did not mention before, our planet is a sentient organism, which is changing its vibrational energies toward a feminine energy flow, so to speak, and these shadowy corrupt groups we mentioned before know that fact and they have tried to manipulate this feminine energy in order to corrupt its flow for their own evil agenda, so that's why they have put female politicians in countries like Germany and England and tried to put a female president in USA, but they failed recently, we do not know how they plan to pursue their plans now, but that was their main goal initially.

So, this is in essence the reason why these wicked organizations keep planning a deliberate attack towards women and their offspring through legalized abortion as well, and this is unfortunately how satanic energies work on this plane, they always attack women and children, sometimes even feminist organizations unknowingly work against their own gender, this type of violence is pure evil and it has to be stopped.

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 4:55

If we did not mention before, our planet is a sentient organism, which is changing its vibrational energies toward a feminine energy flow, so to speak, and these shadowy corrupt groups we mentioned before know that fact and they have tried to manipulate this feminine energy in order to corrupt its flow for their own evil agenda, so that's why they have put female politicians  in countries like Germany and England.


Zašto postoji toliko fizičkog, emocionalnog i seksualnog nasilja nad ženama i djecom?

Razlog da rodno nasilje postoji posebno nad ženama je taj što žene stvaraju život i ako netko može utjecati na energiju božanske ženke, onda može slomiti tu ljepotu i zato ti zli ljudi promiču nasilje nad tim ženama, jer se boje ova božanska energija i iako bi se mnogi mužjaci koji zlostavljaju žene nasmijali tome, u stvari je to ovdje stvarni problem i kada ti muškarci koriste bilo kakvo nasilje nad tim ženama, to je zato što su izgubili svađu i plašili se njihove energije i ne mogu se suočiti s tom božanskom ženstvenošću.

Što se tiče djece, to je zato što se na djecu gleda kao na čista i nekorumpirana bića i ako neki zli ljudi mogu pokvariti nešto čisto i ako pripadaju sotonskoj organizaciji dobivaju bodove za korumpiranje njihovog razmišljanja.

Dakle, zato su žene i djeca slabiji na ovom planetu i zašto muškarci obično maltretiraju ili tlače one koji su slabiji.

Također, žene su napale religije u muslimanskom svijetu, a katolička crkva posebno nije htjela žene nigdje u blizini propovjedaonice. Oni su se tek nedavno morali pokloniti jer mnoge zemlje imaju zakone i to bi tada stvorilo probleme. gledamo sustav zapovjedništva i kontrole na ovom planetu i oni su uporno pokušavali gurnuti žene u poslužne uloge, što je žalosno, sjetite se da samo stotinu godina ženama nije bilo dopušteno da glasaju.

Zašto ženama nije dopušteno glasati? Je li to zato što nisu bili tako inteligentni kao muškarci? Ili je to zato što su inteligentniji i teže manipuliraju.

Da prije nismo spomenuli, naš je planet živahni organizam koji mijenja svoje vibracijske energije prema ženskom energetskom toku, da tako kažemo, a ove sjenovite korumpirane skupine koje smo prije spomenuli znaju tu činjenicu i pokušali su manipulirati tom ženskom energijom kako bi korumpirali tok zbog vlastitog zlog plana, pa su zato žene političarke postavile u zemlje poput Njemačke i Engleske i pokušale staviti ženskog predsjednika u SAD, ali nedavno nisu uspjele, ne znamo kako se planiraju nastaviti njihovi planovi sada, ali to im je u početku bio glavni cilj.

Dakle, ovo je u osnovi razlog zbog kojeg ove zle organizacije nastavljaju planirati namjerni napad na žene i potomstvo i putem legaliziranog pobačaja, a to je nažalost kako sotonske energije djeluju na ovom planu, uvijek napadaju žene i djecu, ponekad čak i feminističke organizacije nesvjesno rade protiv svog spola, ova vrsta nasilja je čisto zlo i to se mora zaustaviti.

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 5:38

Instalirali je na vlast da provodi njihovu agendu koja je jednostavna : Samo profit a obiteljska politika ništa i onda uništavanje domilicilnog stanovništva i trpačina i razvodnjavanje Nijemaca kao nacije i smrt nacizmu i nacionalizmu te nastavak politike Samo zarada dok se zanemaruje pronatalitetna politika a od te mase radi poslušna masa koja se neće suprostavlja njihovim ciljevima.

Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka 2Q==

Ova in već 15 godina tamani.


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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 6:26

Postotak stanovništva na području Njemačke s useljenićkom pozadinom.

Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Germans_without_a_migrant_background_%282016%29

I samo će rasti. Potuklo ih do nogu.

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 6:57

Glup narod. Merkel im je prodala fino upakiranu priču koja je zajeb i sad i da je maknu ne mogu ništa jer ako ne trpaju pada ekonomija a ako trpaju padaju oni.

Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka 350px-Germanypop.svg

Narodski rečeno uvalili su im kajlu i to debelu.

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by RayMabus Sun 9 Aug - 8:09

Najgluplji narod nakon Srba na tlu Europe. Uopče ne znaju dugoročno promišljat nego samo neka šema mi smo najjači nama nitko ništa ne može a oni ne mogu progutat ovu količinu stranaca i kad to počmu shvaćat opet će bit sranje po Evropi jer oni puknu i onda povuču cilu Evropu sa sobom.

Pa s kin ja živin na ovoj planeti. Ovo su sve debili okolo.

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by IL Risorto Sun 9 Aug - 13:08

Pobit sve... :cleanteeth
IL Risorto
IL Risorto

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Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka Empty Re: Angela Merkel = sotonska igračka

Post by prckov Sun 9 Aug - 13:47

RayMabus wrote:


Why is there so much physical, emotional and sexual violence against women and children?

The reason that gender violence exists in particular against women is because women create life and if somebody can affect the energy of the divine feminine, then they can fracture that beauty and that is why these evil people promote violence against these females because they are fearful of this divine energy and although many of the males, who abuse women, would laugh at that, in fact this is the real issue here and when these men use violence of any sort against these females it's because they have lost the argument and they are scared of their energy and can't face that divine feminine.

As for Children, it's because children are seen as pure and uncorrupted beings and if some evil people can corrupt something that is pure and if they belong to a satanic organization they get points for corrupting their mindset.

So, that's why women and children are weaker on this planet and why men usually bully or oppress those who are weaker.

Also, women have been attacked by religions in the Muslim world and the catholic church in particular didn't want women anywhere near the pulpit, they only recently had to give ground because many countries have laws and it would have caused some problems, then, we look at a command and control system on this planet and they have consistently tried to push women into subservient roles, which is pitiful, remember that only one hundred years ago women were not allowed to go to vote.

Why women were not allowed to vote? Was it because they were not as intelligent as men? Or is it because they are more intelligent and harder to manipulate.

If we did not mention before, our planet is a sentient organism, which is changing its vibrational energies toward a feminine energy flow, so to speak, and these shadowy corrupt groups we mentioned before know that fact and they have tried to manipulate this feminine energy in order to corrupt its flow for their own evil agenda, so that's why they have put female politicians  in countries like Germany and England and tried to put a female president in USA, but they failed recently, we do not know how they plan to pursue their plans now, but that was their main goal initially.

So, this is in essence the reason why these wicked organizations keep planning a deliberate attack towards women and their offspring through legalized abortion as well, and this is unfortunately how satanic energies work on this plane, they always attack women and children, sometimes even feminist organizations unknowingly work against their own gender, this type of violence is pure evil and it has to be stopped.

koji leftard je ovo skocko serem mu se u tipkovnicu
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dosuse jeino pozitivno je sto je iz 21 stoljeca :D

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