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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Empty Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

Post by Guest Sat 2 May - 18:30

Every year in Russia, the annual SUV of the year award is held. Actually, it affects not only full-fledged frame cars, but also crossovers. In total, there are 7 categories from full-size frame solutions to compact crossovers and pickups.

The essence of determining the winners is that users registered on the site vote for a particular model. In parallel, experts – all sorts of journalists and bloggers-give their own assessment separately. Subsequently, the winners are published – the machines that received the highest ratings.
Actually, based on the results of last year, we can say that the picture is quite predictable. The leaders were such well-known models as Toyota Land Cruiser 200, Land Cruiser Prado,Skoda Kodiaq, Volkswagen Tiguan and a number of other familiar models.
However, the author suggests that this year at least experts will be inclined to one of the unexpected options.
The point is that you can treat the Chinese car industry differently. The author himself is not an opponent who slurs the Chinese, nor is he a fan. Yes, in recent years, Chinese cars have become more interesting than before, and this is a fact. Another fact is the far-reaching plans to develop the Russian market. Especially at Haval, which has launched its own production.

Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Scale_1200

Since last summer, Haval and Geely have taken marketing very seriously. The number of video reviews and articles dedicated to their cars began to multiply dramatically and increase exponentially.
By autumn, the unthinkable happened for the Chinese car industry: almost every major YouTube channel made a review on the Haval F7x even before it started selling. At the same time, the reviews were positive.
For those who have some idealized picture of the world, it is worth noting that most of the positive reviews on major channels, the receipt of a particular model of awards and prizes in any country in the world-it is often not the merit of engineers, but the merit of the marketing Department and the transfer of large financial funds to the right people.
And this is not some kind of accusation against Chinese automakers – this is a worldwide practice that is carried out by almost all companies.
Actually, what is it all about? Going to the main page of the SUV of the year award, the first thing you will see is the Haval H2 crossover. It is the main prize. In parallel, the entire model range of the company is presented in the categories.


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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Empty Re: Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

Post by Ringo10 Sat 2 May - 18:35

Rusija je znatno povećala izvoz nafte u odnosu na prošlu godinu i to najviše u Kinu

A Kinezi njima automobile

Posts : 21605

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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Empty Re: Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

Post by Guest Sat 2 May - 18:45

Ringo10 wrote:Rusija je znatno povećala izvoz nafte u odnosu na prošlu godinu i to najviše u Kinu

A Kinezi njima automobile

st oje bitno,a zapad se bash i ne trudi reci,dapace,skriva,jest cinjenica da su prva 4 majveca proizvodjaca auta u Kini,dobili sve potrebne Certifikate,za EU trziste,koja zadovoljavaju stroga ekoloska pravila kao i kontrolu kvalitete..

i SVE to za otprilike 55-60% cijene zapadnih pandana..

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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Empty Re: Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

Post by Guest Sat 2 May - 18:47

u Rusiji su SUV-ovi vrl otrazeni,ali ne toliko rasprostranjeni,radi previsoke cijene..to je vrijedilo za europske,jemericke i japanske aute..sada Kina ulijece sa bagatelom dovoljno kvalitetnom da pokrije to trziste..
cijena super95 E 10 u Rusiji,malo prodaja,pala ispod 40 centi po litri..

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Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju.. Empty Re: Kinezi sire trziste auta u Rusiju..

Post by Guest Sat 2 May - 18:53


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