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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by marcellus 15/3/2019, 20:45


The third element of the Conservative Party's policy is that all who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. As Mr Heath has put it we will have no "first-class citizens" and "second-class citizens." This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendent should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow-citizen and another or that he should be subjected to imposition as to his reasons and motive for behaving in one lawful manner rather than another.

There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it "against discrimination", whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right up over their heads. They have got it exactly and diametrically wrong.

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  1472536379_l

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by marcellus 15/3/2019, 20:47

For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century.

Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  1472536379_l

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by epikur37 15/3/2019, 20:48

Sjajan i inspirativan govor....

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by marcellus 15/3/2019, 21:58


enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  1472536379_l

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 22:33

Neznamo baš svi engleski toliko odlično. Šta piše ?

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by marcellus 15/3/2019, 22:42

RayMabus wrote:Neznamo baš svi engleski toliko odlično. Šta piše ?

da ne treba trpat kozojebe u europu jer će bit krvi

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  1472536379_l

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 22:44

marcellus wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Neznamo baš svi engleski toliko odlično. Šta piše ?

da ne treba trpat kozojebe u europu jer će bit krvi
Pa nećemo ih trpat u Evropu ,...samo u Veliku Britaniju ,Francusku , Njemačku , Belgiju, Nizozemsku , Dansku , Švedsku , Norvešku....

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 22:48

Marc imaš kratko pamćenje ; dok je Hrvatska krvarila ta ista Evropa je podržavala Jugoslaviju.

Samo trpaj. Ima da in oći izvadin.

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by marcellus 15/3/2019, 22:52

RayMabus wrote:Marc imaš kratko pamćenje ; dok je Hrvatska krvarila ta ista Evropa je podržavala  Jugoslaviju.

Samo trpaj. Ima da in oći izvadin.

a nas će zaobić?

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  1472536379_l

Posts : 45728

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 22:59

Tarrant , britansko prezime


Uloga Britanije na Balkanu devedesetih je meni poznata. Sad kad je Australija pod navalom kozojeba i azijata i kad je njima došla voda do grla onda ih glupavi Hrvati sa kratkim pamćenje žale.

Ne Marc ; šta im više islama natrpaš to će oni biti veći antiislamisti.

Umijeće ratovanja kaže da je najbolji general onaj koji svog neprijatelja pretvori u saveznika.

Samo trpaj jer tražim ove ::

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Britain-first-3

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by Šandor Winnetou 15/3/2019, 23:13

marcellus wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Marc imaš kratko pamćenje ; dok je Hrvatska krvarila ta ista Evropa je podržavala  Jugoslaviju.

Samo trpaj. Ima da in oći izvadin.

a nas će zaobić?
neće, svatko tko je blizu vatre bude i opržen ma koliko to netko negirao i okretao glavu

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Himars10
Šandor Winnetou
Šandor Winnetou

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 23:22

tre wrote:
marcellus wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Marc imaš kratko pamćenje ; dok je Hrvatska krvarila ta ista Evropa je podržavala  Jugoslaviju.

Samo trpaj. Ima da in oći izvadin.

a nas će zaobić?
neće, svatko tko je blizu vatre bude i opržen ma koliko to netko negirao i okretao glavu
Normalno da neće samo da bi dobio saveznike na zapadu mora i njima doć voda do grla a ne da oni iz daljine gledaju kako se ja koljen sa Arapima na Balkanu.

Trpaj sve u zapadnu Evropu , Kanadu , Australiju , te bogate zemlje di ilegalni imigranti žele ići. Samo trpaj. Znan i ja da će puknit samo neželim ko u prošlosti da in buden predziđe krščanstva dok oni moraliziraju sa pristojne udaljenosti.

Posts : 177097

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by Šandor Winnetou 15/3/2019, 23:28

RayMabus wrote:
tre wrote:
marcellus wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Marc imaš kratko pamćenje ; dok je Hrvatska krvarila ta ista Evropa je podržavala  Jugoslaviju.

Samo trpaj. Ima da in oći izvadin.

a nas će zaobić?
neće, svatko tko je blizu vatre bude i opržen ma koliko to netko negirao i okretao glavu
Normalno da neće samo da bi dobio saveznike na zapadu mora i njima doć voda do grla a ne da oni iz daljine gledaju kako se ja koljen sa Arapima na Balkanu.

Trpaj sve u zapadnu Evropu , Kanadu , Australiju , te bogate zemlje di ilegalni imigranti žele ići. Samo trpaj. Znan i ja da će puknit samo neželim ko u prošlosti da in buden predziđe krščanstva dok oni moraliziraju sa pristojne udaljenosti.
s te strane si u pravu, od pojave islama smo uvijek krvarili za evropu a vratili nam prezirom i odbacivanjem no ako se ta vatra u evropi zapali svi će biti dobrano sprženi.

enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Himars10
Šandor Winnetou
Šandor Winnetou

Posts : 19667

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 23:31

Ta vatra će se u Europi zapalit a ja ne želim da mi pripametni zapadnoevropljani sole pamet u Haggu.

Samo trpaj. Neće mene nitko zajebavat ko Antu Gotovinu.

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

Post by RayMabus 15/3/2019, 23:37

Nazdravimo islamizaciji Velike Britanije , Njemačke ( zapadne ) , Francuske , Nizozemske , Belgije , Švedske , Danske , Austrije....

Gorili u paklu da Bog da


enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Praljak_AA_001_a

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enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)  Empty Re: enoch was right (rivers of blood speech - 1968)

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