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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:11

The perpetrator is allegedly a young homeless Somalian, who arrived in Italy through the Sicily and obtained a protected status from the country’s authorities a month ago.
A 20-year-old Somalian attacked a 68-year-old woman at a beach in the central Italian region of Abruzzo, where she was sunbathing. According to the local outlet Repubblica, he pushed her so she hit her head against the pebbles, and forced her to have sex. She managed to escape the attacker, jumping into the sea, before the police arrived.
Law enforcement was called by local merchants, as before heading to the beach, the young man stripped naked in a nearby street and started publicly masturbating.
The pensioner was taken to hospital with a head injury and skin abrasions.
"I was afraid he wanted to kill me, but luckily I managed to break free," she reportedly told the doctors treating her.
The suspected attacker has been arrested. According to the outlet, he is a twenty-year-old homeless Somali who lives in Italy and has protected refugee status. He reportedly received it a month ago, almost a year after he arrived at the Italian island of Sicily, which one of the gateways for migrants heading to Europe from Africa across the Mediterranean.
READ MORE: Libyan Prime Minister Slams Europe for 'Hypocrisy' on Migrant Issue – Reports
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who is head of the populist party Lega and one of the most vocal advocates of stricter migration control, condemned the violent incident on Twitter.
“A 20-year-old Somali, who arrived in Italy on a barge, strips naked and then attacks a 68-year-old woman, wounding her and sexually assaulting her. This is gratitude for obtaining protection from Italy! WORM!” he posted.
He also slammed his opponents, who commonly criticize his tough stance on migration.
“How can you even think of doing such a thing? Where are the radical feminists??? With anything else than "Salvini is too bad": #zerotolerence against those so-called 'refugees' who bring a war to us,” he tweeted.
Italy is pursuing a hardline policy on migration, with Salvini claiming that the country cannot remain what he referred to as Europe's "refugee camp" while neighboring countries close their borders. Italy is reportedly one of the most popular destinations and entry points among migrants, accounting for nearly 22,000 sea arrivals since the beginning of this year alone.
European countries since 2015 have been experiencing a large-scale migration crisis due in part to an influx of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing multiple humanitarian crises in the Middle East and North Africa. These migrants are trying to reach wealthy EU countries through various routes, including via Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Balkans.


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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by kaya 20/11/2018, 22:13

a sto ne prevodite, nije da ne znam engleski ali ne da mi se citati na engleskom

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:15

just moment lady Kate.. king

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Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:15

kaya wrote:a sto ne prevodite, nije da ne znam engleski ali ne da mi se citati na engleskom

imigrant došao u Italiju, zatražio azil, silovao ženu u Italiji, završio u zatvoru, a onda mu je sud odobrio azil koji je prethodno bio zatražio


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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:16


Počinitelj je navodno mladi Somalijanski beskućnik, koji je stigao u Italiju preko Sicilije i dobio status zaštićenih državnih vlasti prije mjesec dana.
Dvadesetpetogodišnji Somalijan napao je 68-godišnju ženu na plaži u srednjoj talijanskoj regiji Abruzzo gdje je sunčala. Prema lokalnoj podružnici Repubblica, gurnuo ju je tako da je udarila glavom prema šljunku i prisilila je na seks. Uspjela je pobjeći od napadača, skakanje u more, prije no što je stigla policija.
Provođenje zakona pozvali su lokalni trgovci, kao i prije nego što su se kretali prema plaži, mladić je gola obukao u obližnjoj ulici i javno se masturbirao.
Umirovljenik je odveden u bolnicu s ozljedama glave i abrazijama kože.
"Bojala sam se da me on želi ubiti, ali srećom uspio sam se osloboditi", navodno je rekla liječnicima da je liječe.
Osumnjičeni napadač je uhićen. Prema izlazu, on je dvadesetdvogodišnji beskućnik Somali koji živi u Italiji i ima zaštićen status izbjeglica. Navodno je primio prije mjesec dana, gotovo godinu dana nakon što je stigao u talijanski otok Sicilije, koji je jedan od ulaza za migrante koji su krenuli prema Europi iz Afrike diljem Mediterana.
PROČITAJTE VIŠE: Libijski premijer protivi Europu zbog 'hipokrizi' o problemu migranti - izvješća
Talijanski zamjenik premijera Matteo Salvini, koji je čelnik populističke stranke Lega i jedan od najvažnijih zagovornika strože kontrole migracija, osudio je nasilni incident na Twitteru.
"Dvadesetosmogodišnji somalac, koji je stigao u Italiju na barčiću, gola i goni, a potom napada 68-godišnju ženu koja ju je ranila i seksualno je napadala. Ovo je zahvalnost za zaštitu od Italije! ZBOG! ", Objavio je.
Također je zalupio svoje protivnike koji obično kritiziraju njegovu tešku poziciju na migraciju.
"Kako možete čak misliti na takvo što? Gdje su radikalni feministi? S bilo što drugo osim "Salvinija je previše loš": bezuvjetno protiv onih takozvanih "izbjeglica" koji nam donose rat ", rekao je on tweeted.
Italija provodi politiku o migraciji, pri čemu Salvini tvrdi da zemlja ne može ostati ono što je nazvao europskim "izbjegličkim logorom", dok susjedne zemlje zatvaraju svoje granice. Italija je, kako se izvješćuje, jedna od najpopularnijih odredišta i ulaznih točaka među migrantima, što čini gotovo 22.000 dolazaka mora od samog početka ove godine.
Europske zemlje od 2015. doživljavaju veliku migracijsku krizu zbog dijela priljeva stotina tisuća ljudi koji bježe od humanitarnih kriza na Bliskom Istoku i Sjevernoj Africi. Ovi migranti nastoje doći do bogatih zemalja EU kroz različite puteve, uključujući Italiju, Grčku, Tursku i Balkan.

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by kaya 20/11/2018, 22:20

super, pa to naprosto ne mozes vjerovati da tu bagru pustaju u europu

Last edited by kaya on 20/11/2018, 22:20; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : .)

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:21

Mlado Meso,.staro Meso,volimo mi sve Meso...

"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report 552806

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:24

pred dva mjeseca u Švedskoj provalili u kuću, muža sjekli sjekirom pa onda pred njim satima mu silovali ženu


slično se dogodilo i u Španjolskoj


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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:27

krug wrote:pred dva mjeseca u Švedskoj provalili u kuću, muža sjekli sjekirom pa onda pred njim satima mu silovali ženu


slično se dogodilo i u Španjolskoj


[size=34]More than one-third of Swedish girls subjected to sex offences in 2017 – Official report

 By VOICE OF EUROPE  20 November 2018

"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Shutterstock_496288771-702x459
By Mark Nazh / shutterstock.com

As we reported yesterday, the number of men committing sexual offences against women in Sweden has drastically increased.
The official statistics of the National Security Survey (NTU) from the Swedish Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) show a very worrying trend for Swedish girls and young women.
In 2006, 2.5 per cent of all women reported that men had commit sexual offences toward them.

But since 2013 there has been a large surge in the number of cases with now 10.7 per cent of women who say that men have commit a sexual offence against them.
After specifying the groups, a much more worrying statistic is revealed. Young women in the 16-24 age category have seen a massive increase in sexual harassment by men, the Brå report shows.
The number of sexual offences against this group has seen a surge from 7.1 percent in 2006 to 34.4 percent in 2017.
But the Swedes don’t seem to worry much about it.
“It is important to keep in mind that sexual offence is a broad crime category that encompasses a wide range of crimes. Everything from milder offences such as sexist comments, to very serious crimes such as rape,” Brå investigator Maria Söderström tellsnational broadcaster SVT.
A criminologist even sees it as a positive development:
“The more we talk about it and the more it is written, the greater the effects it gets. To be able to report, you must first understand that what you have been exposed to is a crime.
“The more knowledge you get about harassment, the higher the chance you can tell what you have been exposed to,” Rung tells to SVT.

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Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:28

Kao što smo izvijestili jučer, broj muškaraca koji su počinili seksualne prijestupe protiv žena u Švedskoj drastično se povećao.
Službena statistika Nacionalnog sigurnosnog istraživanja (Swedish National Surveillance Survey - NTU) iz Švedskog vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta (Brå) pokazuje vrlo zabrinjavajući trend za švedske djevojke i mlade žene.
Godine 2006. 2,5 posto svih žena izvijestilo je da su muškarci počinili seksualno djelo prema njima.

No, od 2013. došlo je do velikog porasta broja slučajeva s kojima je sada 10,7 posto žena koje tvrde da su muškarci počinili seksualno djelo protiv njih.
Nakon određivanja skupina, otkriva se mnogo zabrinjavajuća statistika. Mlade žene u dobnoj skupini od 16 do 24 godine vidjele su masovno povećanje seksualnog uznemiravanja od strane muškaraca, pokazuje izvješće Brå.
Broj seksualnih prijestupa protiv ove skupine bilježi porast od 7,1 posto u 2006. na 34,4 posto u 2017. godini.
Ali Šveđani se ne čine brige zbog toga.
"Važno je imati na umu da je seksualno djelo široka kategorija kaznenih djela koja obuhvaća širok raspon zločina. Sve iz blažih prekršaja kao što su seksistički komentari, do vrlo ozbiljnih zločina kao što je silovanje ", istražitelj Bråe Maria Söderström izjavio je za nacionalnu televiziju SVT.
Kriminolog ga čak smatra pozitivnim razvojem:
"Što više pričamo o tome i što je više napisano, to su veći učinci. Da biste mogli prijaviti, najprije morate shvatiti da je ono na što ste bili izloženi zločin.
"Što više znanja o zlostavljanju, to je veća šansa da saznate što ste bili izloženi", kaže Rung SVT-u.

vrlo bolesno..

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by kaya 20/11/2018, 22:31

krug wrote:pred dva mjeseca u Švedskoj provalili u kuću, muža sjekli sjekirom pa onda pred njim satima mu silovali ženu


slično se dogodilo i u Španjolskoj

lose ce se oni provesti u istocnoj europi ipak, nece im ni merkelica pomoci

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:33

U Švedskoj je silovana 11-godišnja djevojčica, a počinitelji počinju slobodni i smiju se u lice zrtvi
 EMMA R. 17 studenog 2018

Po polya_olya / shutterstock.com
Švedski nezavisni novinar Joakim Lamotte razgovarao je s majkom čija je 11-godišnja kći silovana od strane dvojice muškaraca.

Djevojka je bila prisiljena i na analni i oralni seks. Mladići su uhićeni, ali pušteni ubrzo nakon toga. Nekoliko je puta kći upoznala dječake kad je krenula u školu. Nasmijali su se na licu.

Majka je upravo obaviještena da je istraga zatvorena i da se njena kći neće ispraviti.

Život njezine kćeri je uništena, kaže ona, a jedino mjesto koje se vidi je preseljenje u drugi grad. Oštro je kritizirala kako je policija riješila taj slučaj.

Istovremeno, politički razvoj u Švedskoj zabrinjava ni najmanje. Dok su djeca silovana i policija ne uspijeva riješiti slučajeve, političari u Stockholmu ne mogu ni formirati vladu. Situacija je akutna i umjesto da međusobno razgovaraju, čelnici stranaka djeluju kao vrtići.

Zbog te zbrke, novi proračun ne smije sadržavati nove političke prijedloge, što znači da policija neće primiti nove resurse. "To je neshvatljivo. Mislio sam da će političari raditi za najbolje ljude. Sada oni rade samo za svoje najbolje ", piše Lamotte.

"Nije im briga da oni koji pate od ovog političkog nereda su obični ljudi. Sve dok nisu sami izloženi, nije važno preuzeti odgovornost za Švedsku. "Koliko djevojaka mora biti silovano u Švedskoj prije no što političari djeluju snažno? "Vrijeme je da završimo politički pješčanik", zaključuje.

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:34

kaya wrote:
lose ce se oni provesti u istocnoj europi ipak, nece im ni merkelica pomoci
"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report 15427110

nisu to Srbi, šta ti je

naš Bog Isus ima plan za nas, to je božja volja

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 20/11/2018, 22:40

bit ce da Emanćipaćija polako ide niz vodu...na radost naseg Longija.. :clown

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by omni 20/11/2018, 23:39

Silovao pa sto. Decko je novi, treba mu vremena da se snadje u novom drustvu, izlozen rasizmu i fasizmu sto drugo da radi nego da siluje. Jos dvije tri pa ce mozda uvidjeti da to nije dobro, ima pravo. Sve dok ne dira moje clanove obitelji neka se osjeca dobrodosao. Eto sada neka mi netko kaze da sam fasista.

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Leviathan2 21/11/2018, 09:14


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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 21/11/2018, 10:50

a dobro..nekad smo se tjesili..nije pica od sapuna...mozemo sa zadovoljstvom zakljuciti..jos uvijek nije.. lol!

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by Guest 21/11/2018, 20:31


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Post by abraham 21/11/2018, 21:18

Malo propagande.Muhahahahahahahhaa Lazne vijesti i kila mozga.....

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

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"Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report Empty Re: "Marš sreće" Young Refugee Marches Naked in Streets, Rapes Old Lady on Italian Beach - Report

Post by catabbath 21/11/2018, 22:55

pismejker wrote:

[size=34]More than one-third of Swedish girls subjected to sex offences in 2017 – Official report

Švedski stručnajci su utvrdili da je to zbog toplijeg vrimena a ne zbog kozojeba i ostalog pravaškog cvijeća

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