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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 15/2/2018, 21:53

udarac na antifašizam


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by prckov 15/2/2018, 21:57

index I onanija ne idu jedno bez drugog
samo vi to gutajte

teza = socijalizam
antiteza = kapitalizam
sinteza = odrzivi socijalizam, odnosno =  odrzivi razvoj, odnosno = "degrowth communism"
Ili kako Klaus kaze = "economy of caring and sharing"

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 22:09

prckov wrote:mali e govorio o tome kako treba ubit policajce jer nisu dobri I nigdje nije pomenuo nikakav bijeli suprematicizam.
cudno da se niko nije upito kako taj bijeli supremacist pobi bijelu raju
Pa baš bijelu liberalnu djecu i treba ubijati

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 22:13

Ako ti primiš Arapa u državu zašto bih ja njegovu djecu pobio?

Pobit ću tvoju, ti si ih pustio nije Arap kriv nego ti

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by prckov 15/2/2018, 22:16

RayMabus wrote:Ako ti primiš Arapa u državu zašto bih ja njegovu djecu pobio?

Pobit ću tvoju, ti si ih pustio nije Arap kriv nego ti
prikoci longi
mali je patologija
I nema veze sa nikakvim ideologijama I kurcima palcima

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 22:18

Patologija je protuotrov za liberale

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 15/2/2018, 22:20

melkior wrote:U konačnici, ljudi se ubijaju zato da se otrgnu iz zagrljaja dosadne kolotečine.

ne baš maybe. pogledaj ova dva tri real videa i šta se dogodilo:

May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger went on a drive-by shooting in a Santa Barbara student enclave. 7 people were killed, including the 22-year-old attacker. This film is made out of Elliot Rodger's YouTube diary.

evo samo dan prije zadnji video:

i nakon toga:


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by melkior 15/2/2018, 22:29

@Ray Mabus wrote:

Ako ti primiš Arapa u državu zašto bih ja njegovu djecu pobio?
Pobit ću tvoju, ti si ih pustio nije Arap kriv nego ti


Nisu djeca kriva nego roditelji. Btw, ovo nema veze s Arapima ni s crncima ni komunistima. Nije ovaj ubojica Anders Breivik. Btw, malo je pretjerano očekivati da srednjoškolci već imaju formirane stavove o životu i društvu. Ovaj čin je posljedica nezrelosti i nesposobnosti pojedinca da se adaptira na sredinu kojoj je i sam pripadao. Pobio je ljude jer mu pičke nisu dale, i jer ga profesori nisu voljeli. I nije na žalost, bilo nikog da mu kaže: Get over it. To mu svakako nisu mogli reći u toj neonacističkoj udruzi. Ti neonacisti tamo, to je valjda kao punkeri ovdje? Glupe supkulture i jedna i druga, samo što je ova prva još i smrtonosna. Malo je gadno kad srednjoškolci postanu ubojice, ipak je država ta koja bi od njih trebala napraviti korisne ubojice. Šteta prirodnog talenta.

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 22:31

Za neonaciste nepostoje bijela djeca, nije to rasista jbte

Postoje samo djeca liberala i nacista

Djeca nacista neidu u rasno mješane  škole


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by prckov 15/2/2018, 22:37

RayMabus wrote:Za neonaciste nepostoje bijela djeca, nije to rasista jbte

Postoje samo djeca liberala i nacista

Djeca nacista neidu u rasno mješane  škole

on je navodno vjezbo pucanje sa BIJELIM SUPREMACISTIMA, mada to jos niko od zvanicnih vlasti nije potvrdio

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 22:45

Treba trpat još crnaca i Arapa u Njemačku.

Samo trpaj

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by melkior 15/2/2018, 22:56

@gnječ wrote:
ne baš maybe. pogledaj ova dva tri real videa i šta se dogodilo:

May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger went on a drive-by shooting in a Santa Barbara student enclave. 7 people were killed, including the 22-year-old attacker. This film is made out of Elliot Rodger's YouTube diary.

A, tko bi rekao da seks može biti tako zajebana stvar. U biti i može, jer lik nije pronašao nikakav kanal kroz koji bi konstruktivno usmjerio tu nakupljenu energiju. Svi ti ubojice su bili već kao klinci psihički poremećeni likovi koji su živjeli/žive u svijetu koji priznaje novac i seks kao jedino relevantne atribute društvenog uspjeha i životnog ostvarenja.

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by melkior 15/2/2018, 23:04

Interesantno, lik je vozio BMW. Pa ono, nije bio sirotinja. Kod nas uglavnom predstavnici zlatne mladeži voze BMW jer nema teoretske šanse da si sa 22 godine života zaradiš za BMW. Pa ni on sam sebi nije kupio BMW. Dijete rastavljenih roditelja kojima je bilo najlakše sineku kupiti BMW nego stvarno se baviti njime (dok se još moglo, nekih 10-ak godina ranije). Ok, love mu nije manjkalo, Kalifornija je i inače skupa za život za popizdit, lik je samo bio sjeban u glavu i to je to.

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by RayMabus 15/2/2018, 23:11

Tko želi multikulti dobit će i naciste


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 16/2/2018, 01:00

melkior wrote:Interesantno, lik je vozio BMW. Pa ono, nije bio sirotinja. Kod nas uglavnom predstavnici zlatne mladeži voze BMW jer nema teoretske šanse da si sa 22 godine života zaradiš za BMW. Pa ni on sam sebi nije kupio BMW. Dijete rastavljenih roditelja kojima je bilo najlakše sineku kupiti BMW nego stvarno se baviti njime (dok se još moglo, nekih 10-ak godina ranije). Ok, love mu nije manjkalo, Kalifornija je i inače skupa za život za popizdit, lik je samo bio sjeban u glavu i to je to.

Elliot exhibited autistic behaviors, such as an aversion to social situations, since his early childhood. His psychiatric evaluations describe a young Elliot engaging in repetitive tics such as making noises, tapping his feet and repeating the words "great" and "cool"[1]. Elliot was very shy as a child[10][11] and once reportedly cried at Disneyland as a toddler because "there were too many people"[1].

Many of Elliot's confounding behaviors as a young adult make more sense when viewed from the perspective of autism. Elliot's usual modus for attracting women involved loitering or walking around the streets of Isla Vista and waiting for a woman to proposition sex to him[12]. He never considered talking to the girls he wanted to attract, believing that they would come to him if interested. This demonstrates Elliot's inability to understand the norms of social interaction, a symptom of autism.

Elliot believed that the world worked in accordance with very rigid and literal rules, and showed a lack of propensity for figurative thinking, an autistic trait. He misinterpreted the law of attraction, a self-help concept which claims that a person can bring about positive outcomes by cultivating a positive attitude, as a literal magic power that allows people to will things into existence by thinking about them. Elliot was obsessed with wearing expensive clothes and developing a "cool" persona to attract women, despite never actually attempting to flirt with women or even talk to them. He seemed to believe women would automatically want to have sex with him after he met a set of rigid criteria for what constitutes fuckable, without any regard for the nuance that relationships have in real life.

In his manifesto, Elliot describes himself as a "strong" person who is capable of fighting back when he believes he has been mistreated[13][14], and he describes his friend James as "weak" for not being angry at women for the fact that he was a virgin[15]. Elliot felt the need to enact revenge in the form of physical violence on women[16] in return for their rejection of him, which Elliot described as a literal crime[17] and a "declaration of war"[18][19]. Elliot seems to have misinterpreted and perverted the concept of dignity, believing in literal terms that he had to fight back against perceived abuse from the world that was not really abuse at all (women choosing not to approach him), which again shows his predilection for viewing the world from an overly literal standpoint. This ultimately led to a tragic result as Elliot waged an imaginary war over imaginary rejection, all because his mental disorder made him unable to understand social interaction.



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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 16/2/2018, 01:06

melkior wrote:@gnječ wrote:
ne baš maybe. pogledaj ova dva tri real videa i šta se dogodilo:

May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger went on a drive-by shooting in a Santa Barbara student enclave. 7 people were killed, including the 22-year-old attacker. This film is made out of Elliot Rodger's YouTube diary.

A, tko bi rekao da seks može biti tako zajebana stvar. U biti i može, jer lik nije pronašao nikakav kanal kroz koji bi konstruktivno usmjerio tu nakupljenu energiju. Svi ti ubojice su  bili već kao klinci psihički poremećeni likovi koji su živjeli/žive u svijetu koji priznaje novac i seks kao jedino relevantne atribute društvenog uspjeha i životnog ostvarenja.

evo pročitaj tu ovo: Questions and Answers na Yahoo! gdje je postavljao pitanja poput ovog:

Can I buy a gun if I am diagnosed with autism?

I am diagnosed with a minor case of autism and I recieve SSI benefits. Will I still be allowed to purchase a gun in California?


Would applying for SSI benefits disqualify me from buying a gun in California?

To apply for SSI benefits I would have to say that I have a disability. Would that disqualify me from purchasing a gun in California?



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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 16/2/2018, 01:31

My Twisted World

My Twisted World is a 137 page manifesto released by Elliot in 2014, shortly before the Day of Retribution. In it, he chronicles his life from Birth, right up until just before the Day of Retribution.

The manifesto is divided into multiple parts. Since Part Two, each part is divided to sub-parts, one for every year in Elliot's life. There are no cover pages, tables of contents, indexes, or appendices in the document.

In the first chapter, Elliot explains what his work is about and why he wrote it.

Part One: A Blissful Beginning: Age 0-5
The actual content of the manifesto begins with Elliot's birth and a short overview of his parents and heritage. It is followed by mainly upbeat, short stories mostly about travelling, preschool and parties. The part ends when the Rodgers take off to the United States.

Part Two: Growing up in America: Age 5-9
This part starts with a description of the plane trip to the US. It is soon followed by Elliot's kindergarten and elementary-school history. Apart from getting familiar with the American life and culture, major points in Part Two include making friends, the divorce of Elliot's parents, the introduction of a stepmother, Elliot's interest in Pokémon, and trying to become popular.

Part Three: The Last Period of Contentment: Age 9-13
In this part, Elliot feels truly happy for the last time in his life, except for some small moments. The events in this chapter begin when Elliot's 4th grade ends. In the 5th grade, he tries to fit in with what he calls the "cool kids". After that, he goes to middle school where he really does not succeed in becoming popular, but has a lot of fun nonetheless. He has friends and is introduced to the Warcraft franchise. However, things become worse during the 8th grade. This is also the part where Elliot learns about sex and, in the end, develops a video game addiction.

Part Four: Stuck in the Void: Age 13-17
Elliot experiences intense loneliness, graduates middle school and hits puberty. He changes high school twice because of bullying and ends up going to a continuation one. After severe depression, Elliot develops power fantasies – only to become depressed again.

Part Five: Hope and Hopelessness: Age 17-19
Shortly before his 18th birthday, Elliot decides to turn his life around. During the rest of this part, he makes big efforts, but fails every time. He goes to several colleges and drops out of all of them. His relationships with his father and stepmother go sour for a long time. He is unable to make new friends or interact with girls and watches as his old friends surpass him. He tries to become a writer and win the lottery, but without success. After this long series of failures, Elliot decides to give his life one last chance and moves to Isla Vista.

Part Six: Santa Barbara: Endgame: Age 19-22
After leaving his home, Elliot soon attends Santa Barbara City College. He suffers a lot because he perceives no one notices him. Elliot also gets into arguments with his roommates. He makes some efforts in flirting and talking to girls, but he fails every time. Eventually, he no longer can stand being ignored and rejected, so he insults and splashes drinks on people whose successes in romance and relationships annoy him. Elliot also tries to win the lottery again and loses his last friends. During these years, Elliot develops his "Supreme Gentleman" persona and buys designer clothes, gets a nice car, works on his accent, and engages in blogging. At the same time, he secretly plans the Day of Retribution and prepares for it. During his final months, Elliot tries to make the most of his life, even after concluding there would be no point in continuing. This part of the manifesto ends with Elliot talking about his Day of Retribution, humanity, and rejection.

This is the last chapter. In its beginning, Elliot talks about his life in a negative light and his hatred of sex and women. This is followed by a discussion on what an ideal world would be like in Elliot's opinion. He finishes the manifesto by vowing revenge and getting even with the world.

The final four pages (from the 138th to the 141st) of the document are blank.

zanimljivo štivo. kako se sjeća svakog i namanjeg detalja iz svog života skroz od rođenja.

link u pdf


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 16/2/2018, 12:22

RayMabus wrote:http://www.index.hr/mobile/clanak.aspx?category=vijesti&id=1026253

Postaje zanimljivo

zanimljivo je kako su svi popušili priču :popcorn

jer upravo to žele čuti, da je ubojica bio sljedbenik nazi ideologije

USA TODAY Complains about Being Hoaxed by 4chan


Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 1518776038849

gnječ, debto... jedva dočekali da čuju kako je ovaj nacist :comfort


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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Guest 16/2/2018, 12:34

ex normal wrote:
RayMabus wrote:http://www.index.hr/mobile/clanak.aspx?category=vijesti&id=1026253

Postaje zanimljivo

zanimljivo je kako su svi popušili priču  :popcorn

jer upravo to žele čuti, da je ubojica bio sljedbenik nazi ideologije

USA TODAY Complains about Being Hoaxed by 4chan


Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 1518776038849

gnječ, debto... jedva dočekali da čuju kako je ovaj nacist :comfort

ma ti si glup ko kurac jebote. šta misliš da ja ne pratim 4chan? na 4chanu sam odavno još od početaka dok još ti nisi ni znao da taj forum postoji.

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by Oh_Femder 16/2/2018, 12:59

prckov wrote:
RayMabus wrote:Ako ti primiš Arapa u državu zašto bih ja njegovu djecu pobio?

Pobit ću tvoju, ti si ih pustio nije Arap kriv nego ti
prikoci longi
mali je patologija
I nema veze sa nikakvim ideologijama I kurcima palcima
Pravilo palca: idologija = patologija

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

Post by marcellus 16/2/2018, 13:38

seru, policija kaže da nije imo veze s tom organizacijom

Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 1472536379_l

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Ubojica s Floride je neonacista - Page 2 Empty Re: Ubojica s Floride je neonacista

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Sponsored content

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