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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 10/9/2018, 18:57

sol 2165
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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 16/9/2018, 19:44

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 25/9/2018, 17:18

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 E1k5zlizhdo11

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 25/9/2018, 17:30

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Serbinho-3 27/9/2018, 22:12

Ero, bas si se raspričao, iako nema nikoga...

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 27/9/2018, 22:50

Serbinho-3 wrote:Ero, bas si se raspričao, iako nema nikoga...
Pa prate ljudi. Dok je radio brojač registrirao sam i preko stotinjak otvaranja.
Danas  ne znam koliko, ali predpostavljam da se čita...
Iznenađuje kolko ih malo, ili skoro nikako, komentira.

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 27/9/2018, 22:50

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 27/9/2018, 22:52

Vozilo već tjedan dana ima problem s računalom...
Imali su već problem s prvim računalom, od dva. 
Evo sad i s ovim...a riješit će to NASA.

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 2/10/2018, 00:21

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Selfi -  Namib Dune
(siječanj, 2016)

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 4/10/2018, 05:34

Curiosity will switch back to the Side A computer. Side B still problematic.


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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 4/10/2018, 12:27

See Full Profile

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 4/10/2018, 18:57

NEWS  | October 3, 2018  

Curiosity Rover to Temporarily Switch 'Brains'
 MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 8371_PIA22486_1280x
Curiosity's Dusty Selfie at Duluth: A self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity rover taken on Sol 2082 (June 15, 2018). A Martian dust storm has reduced sunlight and visibility at the rover's location in Gale Crater. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Full image and caption

NASA Curiosity Mission Status Report
Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, this week commanded the agency's Curiosity rover to switch to its second computer. The switch will enable engineers to do a detailed diagnosis of a technical issue that has prevented the rover's active computer from storing science and some key engineering data since Sept. 15.
Like many NASA spacecraft, Curiosity was designed with two, redundant computers -- in this case, referred to as a Side-A and a Side-B computer -- so that it can continue operations if one experiences a glitch. After reviewing several options, JPL engineers recommended that the rover switch from Side B to Side A, the computer the rover used initially after landing.
The rover continues to send limited engineering data stored in short-term memory when it connects to a relay orbiter. It is otherwise healthy and receiving commands. But whatever is preventing Curiosity from storing science data in long-term memory is also preventing the storage of the rover's event records, a journal of all its actions that engineers need in order to make a diagnosis. The computer swap will allow data and event records to be stored on the Side-A computer.
Side A experienced hardware and software issues over five years ago on sol 200 of the mission, leaving the rover uncommandable and running down its battery. At that time, the team successfully switched to Side B. Engineers have since diagnosed and quarantined the part of Side A's memory that was affected so that computer is again available to support the mission.
"At this point, we're confident we'll be getting back to full operations, but it's too early to say how soon," said Steven Lee of JPL, Curiosity's deputy project manager. "We are operating on Side A starting today, but it could take us time to fully understand the root cause of the issue and devise workarounds for the memory on Side B.
"We spent the last week checking out Side A and preparing it for the swap," Lee said. "It's certainly possible to run the mission on the Side-A computer if we really need to. But our plan is to switch back to Side B as soon as we can fix the problem to utilize its larger memory size."


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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 7/10/2018, 04:31

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 14/10/2018, 12:10

sol 2199  
Evo, nakon 17 dana prva pristigla fotografija. 
Uspjeli su se prebacit na računalo A.
Slijedi popravak softvera na računalu B i 
eventualno prebacicvanje na računalo B,
koje ima veći kapacitet. 

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 FLA_592704037EDR_F0722464FHAZ00350M_

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 20/10/2018, 18:05

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Y92t4gd5n8t11

Sol 2204: Curiosity Science is Baaaack!
Curiosity Rover Mission Update
By Sarah Lamm on October 19, 2018
Contrary to the "frightening" title, the Curiosity team is excited that science operations are starting to resume! The real fright was when Curiosity had an anomaly on Sol 2172 which affected its memory. Since then, the engineering team has continued to diagnose the anomaly and plan the recovery, including taking the first images with the A-side engineering cameras that haven't been used since 2013! Thanks to our hard-working engineers, Curiosity is ready for limited science operations while the anomaly work continues.
Curiosity has been at the (sadly) unsuccessful "Inverness" drill site since the anomaly. Curiosity is still exploring the gray Jura member on Vera Rubin Ridge. The uplink plan for Sol 2204 includes the use of RAD, REMS, and DAN (active and passive).
RAD detects high-energy radiation on the Martian surface. RAD's data will help shape future human mission to Mars by letting us know how much shielding from radiation future Mars astronauts will need to protect them. REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) is Curiosity's weather station. REMS can measure pressure, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature. DAN (Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons) detects neutrons that be used to measure the amount of hydrogen and other elements in the subsurface.
Sarah Lamm is a Planetary Geologist; LANL; Los Alamos, NM, and a member of the MSL science team.
These blog updates are provided by self-selected Mars Science Laboratory mission team members who love to share what Curiosity is doing with the public.
Dates of planned rover activities described in these reports are subject to change due to a variety of factors related to the Martian environment, communication relays and rover status.

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 24/10/2018, 14:08

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 D93n02hvx1u11

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 29/10/2018, 00:09

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 29/10/2018, 00:10

Očistio  vjetar!

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Eroo 2/11/2018, 07:43

Do sada neviđeno. Šta bi ovo moglo bit?

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Lnwkg1ltpuv11

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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Yehudim 2/11/2018, 13:27

Gljiva i micelij ?


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MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Empty Re: MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru GALE Vol II.

Post by Yehudim 2/11/2018, 13:28

MARS: CURIOSITY u krateru  GALE Vol II. - Page 25 Slika1

Kako se temperatura noću smanjuje oblaci leda doživljavaju reakciju kristalizacije, a zbog lokalizirane i brze preraspodjele topline, struje zraka postaju nestabilne i ledeni kristali počinju padati.
Iako se ranije smatralo kako na površinu padaju zbog svoje težine, znanstvenici su zaključili kako je snijeg zapravo izazvan vjetrovima. Ovakav fenomen događa se samo tijekom nekih razdoblja.
Pokrivač kakav na površini Marsa stvaraju ledeni kristali, naravno nije poput onoga na Zemlji, već više nalikuje na tanku ledenu koru, a sama količina koja se zadržava na površini je malena.


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