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A 17 joj je godina tek...

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A 17 joj je godina tek... Empty A 17 joj je godina tek...

Post by Guest 11/12/2019, 10:20

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_2400

[size=38]Juliana Sokolova - adult body at the age of 17 and success as a blogger[/size]

12 November
152k full reads
50 sec.
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152k full reads, 84%. Users who read to the end.
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How do you feel about girls who are 16-17 years of age look much older? Personally, I am one of those girls is neutral, it's not their fault that they look so Mature in their 16-17 years old. And another girl is Ulyana Sokolova, she realizes that the adult has an excellent appearance for their age, and therefore uses it.

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_2400
Source: instagram
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Juliana at 17 years of age has achieved considerable success as a blogger, she has a half million on Instagram, as well as the audience in the Telegram and Tictoc. And all because quite frankly there posting provocative photos and videos, which attract the male half.

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_1200
Source: instagram
On the one hand, Yes, the girl's adult body in 17 years is something to brag about, but on the other hand is it right? I still say it's right or not right, she matured early and now found my path as a blogger. She herself earns money to live on and it's all thanks to his adult appearance.

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_1200
Source: instagram
If you do not find fault with the content which it gives to the audience, then it's pretty simple. Juliana realized that at my age can compete with girls 20 or so to use it, especially if it can give her a good future model.

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_1200

A 17 joj je godina tek... Scale_2400


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A 17 joj je godina tek... Empty Re: A 17 joj je godina tek...

Post by Guest 11/12/2019, 11:50

Napokon tema za kica

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A 17 joj je godina tek... Empty Re: A 17 joj je godina tek...

Post by Guest 12/12/2019, 05:09

Ma kakvog Kica..Temija je za sve ljude duplih standardova...dakle,cura je maloljetna,ali kako vidimo,vrlo je razbujana,a posto danas djeca brze sazrijevaju i prilicno su umna,jerbo im na raspolagaju stoje raznorazni mediji..postavlja se pitanje..

Sto raditi sa ovako sirotom maloljetnom "djecom"..??? :starac

Muskarci su prilicno licemjerni po pitanju ovakve dileme..i u sebi ce debela vecina pomisliti..."ma tko ga yebe..sprasit cu je bez milosti.."..dok ce u isto vrijeme u javnosti,na forumima,i svugdje gdje se boje javne osude,glumiti moraliste,cak se nabacivati drvljem ikamenjem po onim koji yebu ovakve cure..bojeci se da ce ih netko prepoznati ,kao mozda najbestijalnije po pitanju seksa sa ovakvim curama...

dakle,ja prvi kazem,izyebo bih je brutalno i bez milosti...ej-men...

cekam smrdljive cuke i njihove licemjerne komentare.. lol! lol! lol!

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